Terms for Registered Users (Consumer and Business)

If you access any service that requires you to create an account accessible through a username and password, then in addition to the general provisions of the Terms of Use (above) and the terms applicable to any other service that you are using, the following additional terms will apply to your use of the services.

Account Security

You are solely responsible for keeping your password and all other account information confidential and for all use of your username and password, including, without limitation, any use by any unauthorized third party. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your mobile device(s) from unauthorized access. Our employees will never ask for your password. If you are asked for your password, or if you believe someone may have obtained your password, you must Write to us.

Keep Contact Information Current

You must provide and keep us up-to-date with accurate registration information, including name and email address. We may update your information with information available from third-party sources or otherwise available to us. The information you provide to register is subject to our Privacy Policy.

Storage of Account Information

When using the BUSINESS TO WATCH Sites/Services, we may permit you to store data, preferences set by you, content, or other information for your convenience, but we are under no obligation to retain any such data, preferences, content, or other information, including, without limitation, any coupon that you may have stored, except where required by applicable law. We,in our sole and absolute discretion, may terminate access to your account for any reason (including reasons related to unlawful or unauthorized usage). We have no obligation to retain a record, after such termination, of your account or any data or information that you may have stored for your convenience by means of your account or our Sites/Services.

Opt-In to Site Activity Tracking and Contact by Us

By creating an account, you are deemed to have "opted-in" to all tracking, collection, use, and sharing of information permitted under our privacy policy. Without limitation, you consent to our right to record your activity on our website, including any reviews, comments, responses, and ratings made by you in connection with your use of the BUSINESS TO WATCH Sites/Services, and to use such information to improve or customize your experiences using the BUSINESS TO WATCH Sites. By registering, you agree to receive administrative emails from us periodically relating to your account, site services, and changes to these, as well as commercial emails such as marketing offers and promotions, including third-party offers. You may change your email preferences or unsubscribe from marketing emails at any time in your account settings.

User-Provided Content Terms

If you use the services to submit, post, or generate content, then in addition to the general provisions of these Terms, privacy policy, and the terms applicable to any other service that you are using, the following additional terms will apply to you. Such content is referred to below as "User-Provided Content".

Copyright Policy

We respects the copyright of others and expects our users to do the same. We have adopted a policy toward alleged copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). We reserve the right to remove, suspend, terminate access, or take other actions against users or third parties who are repeat offenders.

To File a Copyright Complaint (DMCA)

Copyright Repeat Infringers

When appropriate, we will terminate a repeat infringer's access to its accounts. If you believe that a user is a repeat infringer, please follow the instructions above to contact us and provide information sufficient for us to verify that the user is a repeat infringer.

Trademark Policy

A trademark is a word, slogan, logo, symbol, or design that can be used to distinguish the products or services offered by one party from those offered by others. We also respects the trademark rights of third parties and we expect our users of our Sites and Service to do the same. We reserve the right to remove, suspend, terminate access, or take other appropriate actions against users or third parties that we believe, in good faith, to be repeat offenders of our policy against infringing trademarked material.

To File a Trademark Complaint